Thursday, November 3, 2011

Feels Like Home

I want to start by saying I like all of my roommates, actually one of them even inspired my post today. Courtney started her own blog and wrote today about how many times we are always on the go and rushing around trying to cross another thing off our do to list. She encouraged herself to slow down and take a breath of fresh air. So thanks Court for that reminder...look at her blog here.
I live with five other girls and rarely do I ever get the place to myself. Tonight for about twenty minutes I got exactly that. I took full advantage of it. I shut and locked the door, closed the blinds, and turned off those annoying florescent lights. I turned on my Mrs. Musser play list, some softer mood lighting, and the stove to make a “great American dish.” (Movie reference anyone?) Once my wheat mac and cheese was finished I sat down and simply enjoyed it. I didn’t eat it while watching television, going on the computer, or even picking up my phone. I sat alone, in very dim lighting, perfectly quiet eating. Now I know that sounds so silly, and sitting here writing this I am contemplating posting this for others to read, but it was my breath of fresh air. It was something I needed, to shut out (literally) the world around me and just enjoy time. 
As my music changed the song “Feels Like Home” came on. It got me thinking…here at school our room mates sometimes call our room “home.” But this really isn’t our home. Then I thought about my cozy, extremely red house in the great state of Wisconsin, but you know that really isn’t home either. We as Christians have never actually been to our home. While reading in Peter this week I came across this phrase where he calls us “foreigners in the land.” This world is not our permanent home…God has prepared a place for us for greater than we can imagine. How great is that? So we don’t really know what home feels like exactly, but I truly believe that there are times when God shows us glimpses of what is to come.

So today while you are busy crossing things off your to do list and running all over, take a few minutes as Courtney suggested to take a breath, this world can wait…it’s not like it’s your permanent home anyway.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Just to See you Smile

I can’t believe that it is November 2nd already. Today marks two very special things in history, well the history of my life anyway. First and foremost is it my mom’s birthday! A few fun facts about my mom…
1.    She is one of the BEST deal finders around!
2.    She prefers Duncan coffee over Starbucks any day!
3.    She could name you all nine Brewers starters and their positions. (Which I might add makes me extremely proud!)
4.    She enjoys blasting the heat in the car, no matter the season.
5.    She is the strongest woman I know! 

Happy Birthday Mom! I love you!
 A year ago today after a home volleyball game my family went to my sister’s house where we got some very exciting news. We found out (thanks to the blue colored frosted cupcakes) that Jeana and Jason were having a baby boy! 

I can’t believe that little boy is here and is almost 7 months old! I know that I am biased but he seriously is the coolest kid (I didn’t say baby Jason) in the world. Watching him change and grow these past months has been so amazing to me. I love when God shows you in little ways how powerful he is and how much he loves us. I am reminded of that time and time again when I hold Kole.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.                     –Psalm 139:13-14

 God created your inmost being and you are fearfully and wonderfully made. I hope you feel that way today!
The song Just To See you Smile seemed fitting for the day! (It really is amusing to me what things make Kole smile, and the crazy things my dad does just to see him smile!) Enjoy the song and today, for it is a gift from you heavenly Father! Listen Here!