I have recently become slightly obsessed with blogs. I think it has a great deal to do with finding inspiration for my wedding, nevertheless I decided to create my own. I don’t know what it will entail entirely, how disciplined I will be in updating it, or how entertaining it will be but if you wish to join my blogging journey I welcome you to “The Beginning.”
Sometimes I really wish I could go back to the days when your biggest worry was what color your cup was going to be at meal time. The days when you didn’t have to-do lists that seem to be never ending and homework that could be more accurately named busywork. I like the quote “Some days it would be nice to go back to life in the sandbox.” Minus the sand in your hair and underwear, it doesn’t sound like a bad gig.
Other days I wish I could fast forward, not high speed but a little. I want to be graduated, married, and teaching. I want to have already worn that ugly robe and funny hat. I want to be Matthew’s wife and make meals for him. (Yes mother I will cook!) I want to be the one giving out the homework and making the classroom rules. Minus the paying bills, this doesn’t seem that terrible either.
But God didn’t create me, or any of us to “live” in the past or in the mindset of the future for that matter. The bible tells us that “This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” This day, not ten years ago, not five years from now, but TODAY. I enjoy the book Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist, particularly the entry called “On Waiting.” She says “I choose to believe that there is nothing more sacred or profound than this day. I choose to believe that there may be a thousand big moments embedded in this day, waiting to be discovered like tiny shards of gold.”
So here’s to my blog, may it allow me to find and share with the you the tiny shards of gold I find in everyday in my life and may it encourage you to find your own gold in yours.
The Beginning by Alice Peacock. (I like this song, not so much the cheesy video)
Little sister, I love this and I'm so excited you are blogging! I'm so glad you are reminding yourself to enjoy each day. I'm sure the married life and being a teacher life sound pretty glamourous right now, but once you have it, you'll start wanting other things again. Like I really don't want to grade papers or do lesson plans, and I'm just too busy all the time. I'm lucky if I cook a meal one night a week!! I just wish I could go back to college when I didn't have so many people depending on me, like my students, their parents, and my own family! See? there is always things to be dissatisfied about. So thanks for your encouragement to treat each day like it's sacred. I need to remind myself this too!! I love you lots and I'm so excited for more blogs to come!!