Saturday, October 22, 2011


After watching a pointless and very lame movie tonight I was again reminded how precious time is. I also realized why Matt and I have a rotation of about three movies….The Sandlot, Marley & Me, and The Blindeside. All great films that I would recommend to anyone and don’t feel as though I wasted time after watching them. On the positive side my roommate and I got to have some time together just the two of us that we haven’t been able to do in a long time. However, I think I had more fun driving to Jewel with her to pick out the movie. We stood in line for a good seven minutes listening to this man talk on his blue tooth (which let’s face it people it looks like you are talking to yourself) to his wife going through what seemed like every movie in the box! It provided good entertainment to say the least.
In hopes to make up for the time lost I decided to write another post. I still don’t have a complete vision for the blog, but tonight I need to show myself what can be accomplished when I don’t waste time. Therefore, I give you my first craft post…(many more to follow I hope.)

I purchased this canvas at The Community Thrift store in Elgin for $.44. Not the prettiest picture I have seen but I saw the potential it carried with a little work and some paint. My cousins Liz and Sarah introduced me to Curly Girl Design a while back and I really enjoy her creations, not so much her prices. So I decided to try make my own, really I only had $.44 to lose.

Check out Curly Girl’s website!
I guess when you think about it, God probably thinks the same way about us. While many people don’t give us a second look or second chance, God sees our potential. He knows what we are capable of and the best part is he created us all for a purpose. Maybe we know exactly what that looks like right now or maybe we are on the path to finding it out, but rest assured that your Heavenly Father knows what the end result looks like (even if it does take some time). He thinks you are a masterpiece.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Ephesians 2:10

In hopes to always end with a song I will leave you with a song shown to me by a friend and part time roommate Rachel Whitarce. Francesca Battistelli’s Time Inbetween, I hope to spend mine more wisely. 

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